Minggu, 05 Mei 2013


There is a saying: We must Ikhlas, but it was not easy, easy to say difficult to be conducted, well how the tricks to get candid, sincere and what it means: In a history, the companions of the Prophet SAW belaiu ever ask, what is it sincere? what to answer, it turns out, a long and thoughtful …. went down a letter stating what it is sincere; roughly like this … only on my servants chosen given sincerity.
But there are suggestions of my friend a young cleric, once said: Truth is in our hearts. If we do something and we can be peaceful, quiet peaceful, InsyaAllah true, but if you do something that mbuat restless, unable to sleep … try think !!!!! lest we do something wrong … self-evaluation. nah I hope we always do good and right, so our inner calm, life is also good … doing good … okay survivors.

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